| | Apple Cider Boy comes up to his mom in the kitchen and asks for a glass of cider. |

| | Don't Peek Young woman asks her mother to buy some sexy lingerie. |

| | Vaseline Use A surveyor asks a man a few questions about vaseline. |

| | Sex Life Guy goes to the doctor to get help for his sex life. |

| | The Girl Guy picks up a sexy chick at a bar and gets lucky. |

| | Biker Boy Crazy Mike asks the pharmacist for something to help him with the three girls coming over. |

| | Raising Sheep A farmer decides to get his sheep pregnant. |

| | Large Breasts When I was in junior high, all I wanted was a girl with large breasts. |

| | Muscular Man A huge muscular man walks into a bar and orders a beer. |

| | Pinocchio Pinocchio was having sex problems with his girlfriend. |