| | The Complaint The penis writes to management to complain about the bad work environment. |

| | Should Be Dead Old lady tries to commit suicide but needs to find out how. |

| | It's So Big Husband gets her wife to work as a whore so they can pay the bills. |

| | Par Husband fucks his wife on their honeymoon and afterwards tries to order food. |

| | Vibrator's Stuck Woman rushes to the hospital because of a sexual problem. |

| | Milking Funny poem that starts off very erotic and sexual. |

| | Being a Dick is Hard Top ten reasons why being a penis is not all it's cracked out to be. |

| | Explain Politics Young boy asks his dad to tell him the meaning of politics. |

| | Bigger is Dumber A family is on the beach when the son asks about boobs. |

| | First Time Guy picks up a hooker and they go to the nearest motel. |