| | Sex Pills Doctor prescribes some pills for a woman complaining about her sex life. |

| | Fuck Your Mom Father and son go to the bar to have one last celebration. |

| | Scottish Kilt A rather drunk Scotsman decides to take a nap under a tree. |

| | Erection Problem Guy has problem getting a hardon so he goes to see a doctor. |

| | Deer Hunting Husband gives his wife a choice between hunting or sex. |

| | Shave Beard Married man is asked by his "girlfriend" to shave his beard. |

| | Normal Penis Ed glances over at Ted's penis while at the urinals. |

| | Hijacker Airplane hijacker busts into the cockpit holding the stewardess hostage. |

| | Praying On the night of their wedding, a young couple finally retired to their hotel room. |

| | Blow Job Guy walks into a bar and orders several shots. |