| | Big Freaking Tits Memory Memory card game in which you have to match up two of the same images to remove the cards and reveal the big set of boobs. |

| | DBZ Quiz Comic Answer the 12 questions correctly to unlock a DBZ hentai comic. |

| | Fuck for Luck You have a fifty-fifty chance to choose the correct answer and unlock more sexy videos of this hot asian girl who is ready to fuck. |

| | Another Hentai Quiz 2 Read the question and select your answer. It is multiple choice with 4 options. If you get the answer correct you get a picture and proceed to the next question. Get through the entire quiz to unlock the VIDEO bonus. |

| | Instant Sex Lottery Choose Line 1 or Line 2 and try to unlock each high quality 3D movie. CHECK is a free pass but be careful you only get one of those and if you miss three times the game is over. |

| | Big Breasts Memory Classic memory game where you have to click on two cards that match. This game is filled with huge fucking breasts. |

| | Beach Hentai Quiz You are asked trivia questions about Hentai and if you get the correct answer you get to see some hot anime porn images. |

| | Dirty Furry Quiz Answer the questions correctly to see another hot furry image. Get one wrong and it is back to the start. |

| | Boobs Butt or Shoulders You will be shown a cropped image of boobs butts or shoulders. Decide what you think it is and select your answer. |

| | Mystery Tits This game is pretty fun. Simply decide whether the tits you see are real or fake and click accordingly. At the end it shows you how well you did. |